Temporary Restorations

Temporary restorations are designed to cover and protect your tooth while the permanent restoration is being fabricated. This means that you will be wearing the temporary for approximately 2-3 weeks. These temporaries are usually made of acrylic or anodized aluminum and will not look or feel like your final restoration. The temporary is cemented with temporary cement; therefore, great care must be taken to avoid dislodging or breaking your temporary.

While wearing your temporary you may note that the surface may not be as smooth as your natural tooth surface, you may also notice that the temporary feels a little larger than your original tooth size. Please keep in mind that it is very common for your temporized tooth to exhibit sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

tips to maintain temporary dental restorations

  1. Avoid chewing directly on the temporary. Try to chew on the other side if possible.

  2. Avoid sticky, hard or crunchy foods.

  3. Please do not chew gum.

  4. Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and drinks.

  5. Brush the area gently, but do not floss around the temporary. (This is the only situation that I’ll recommend that you shouldn’t floss)

  6. Advil or Tylenol may be taken as directed on the bottle for any discomfort you may experience.

If your temporary works loose or comes off, that’s okay.

Please call us at your convenience and we will schedule an appointment for recommendations.